Fizza Hussain

Current Higher Degree Student

PhD Title: Next Generation Transport Safety Management: A new computer vision-based technology for Real-time crash risk estimation using Machine Learning approaches


Brief Detail: The PhD project aims to develop next generation models for crash risk estimation in real-time. Leveraging the combined benefits of Intelligent Transport Systems and computer-vision techniques, traffic conflicts – which represent temporal/spatial proximity of various road users including vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists – have been obtained from video recordings at signalised intersections in Queensland. By combining the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, this study introduces a novel modelling approach that can estimate traffic crash risk in real-time from traffic conflicts with a high degree of accuracy. The proposed approach will be rigorously tested and compared with existing state-of-the-art methods like Extreme Value Theory. This project shall contribute to both methodological and theoretical advancement in crash risk modelling.


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