Dr. Getu Segni Tulu

Former Higher Degree Research Student

PhD Title: Pedestrian Crashes in Ethiopia: Identification of Contributing Factors through Modelling of Exposure and Road Environment Variables

Brief Detail:Getu Segni Tulu’s PhD thesis focuses on pedestrian safety in Ethiopia, where 50-60% of traffic fatalities are pedestrians. The research aims to identify the causes and contributing factors to pedestrian crashes in Ethiopia, and develop countermeasures to improve pedestrian safety. The study collected data from 41,595 national road traffic crash data points over a six-year period, as well as 18 two-way, two-lane road segments and 22 roundabouts from Ethiopia’s road network. The research identified various factors affecting pedestrian safety, such as inadequate visibility, illegal crossing, alcohol intoxication, poor transport planning, and poor enforcement of traffic regulations. The study also developed pedestrian crash models for two-way two-lane rural roads and roundabouts in the capital city, and suggested improvements to highway geometric characteristics and site features to improve pedestrian safety.

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=oe5ljb4AAAAJ&hl=en