Dr. Hasti Tajehranifard

Former Higher Degree Research Student

PhD Title: Incident Duration Modelling and System Optimal Traffic Re-Routing


Brief Detail: Hasti Tajtehranifard’s PhD thesis deals with the problem of traffic congestion caused by traffic incidents in metropolitan areas. These incidents contribute to 25% of traffic congestion in US metropolitan areas, which leads to lost commuter time, excess fuel consumption, compromised safety, and monetary losses. The thesis proposes developing incident traffic management (ITM) strategies to mitigate the negative impact of incidents on traffic flow. The author also proposes analytical frameworks for incident traffic re-routing with a System Optimal (SO) view on the problem, targeting minimized total system travel time. The thesis also addresses the challenge of efficiently utilizing incident duration data collected by incident management systems. The proposed frameworks are applied to a case study network in South East Queensland, Australia.


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=9jmS1B8AAAAJ&hl=en