Dr. Mohammad Saifuzzaman

Former Higher Degree Research Student

PhD Title: Incorporating Risk Taking And Driver Errors In Car-Following Models.


Brief Detail: Mohammad Saifuzzaman’s PhD thesis aims to investigate the effect of distraction on car-following (CF) behaviour and proposes a new methodology to incorporate risk-taking and driver errors in CF modelling. The thesis uses a driving simulator experiment to examine the impact of mobile phone distraction on CF behaviour and found that drivers engage in risk compensatory behaviour, selecting slower driving speeds, larger vehicle spacings, and longer time headways. The thesis proposes a new Task Difficulty Car-Following (TDCF) framework that incorporates human factors into CF modelling by using a task difficulty (TD) formula to capture the motivation behind driving decisions. The TDCF framework enhances conventional CF models and can more realistically reproduce human factor-induced behaviour, which would be highly beneficial for investigating traffic safety-related issues.


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=7DH4K54AAAAJ&hl=en