Dr. Oscar Hernando Oviedo

Current Higher Degree Research Student

PhD Title: A New Model for Behavioural Adaptation in Distracted Driving


Brief Detail: Dr Trespalacios’s PhD thesis explores the mechanisms of compensatory behaviours in mobile phone distracted driving, which is a major cause of road accidents. He uses models of human behavioural adaptation and integrates driving behaviour models to develop a new model. Dr Oscar used four methods to validate his model: systematic review techniques, driving simulator experiments, and a cross-sectional questionnaire. The results showed that drivers self-regulate their driving behaviour while using mobile phones, and three distinct levels of behavioural adaptation were identified: operational, tactical, and strategic self-regulation. Personal characteristics, driving demands, and secondary task demands influenced drivers’ behavioural adaptation.


Dr Trespalacios’s is an Assistant Professor in Responsible Risk Management at the Delft University of Technology. His areas of expertise include human factors engineering, sustainable development, misuse of technology, digital work, and transport safety and security. His research has been widely reported in international media, including ABC, the New York Times, the Independent, the Men’s Health Magazine, and the Washington Post. In 2019, Dr Trespalacios’s received the Australasian College of Road Safety’s Inaugural Young Leaders Oration Award in recognition of his impact and reputation in distracted driving research.


Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.co/citations?user=XbNmPx4AAAAJ&hl=en