Haque, M. M

“State-of-the-art econometric models to understand the impact of connected environment on driving behaviour and safety”, Invited Speaker, Safety and Security Scient Group, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 24 May 2023.

Haque, M. M

“Next-generation Road Safety Analysis: Traffic Conflict-based Safety Assessment of Transport Infrastructure and Connected and Automated Vehicles”, Invited Speaker, Traffic and Transportation Safety (TTS) Lab, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft, The Netherlands, 24 May 2023.

Haque, M. M

“Artificial Intelligence-based Video Analytics for Real-time Road Safety Assessment of Transport Infrastructure”, Invited Speaker, University of Gustave Eiffel, Paris, France, 30 May 2023.

Haque, M. M

“Can we conduct road safety assessments without accident data?: A traffic conflict-based safety assessment framework with AI and video analytics”, Invited Speaker, Accident Research Institute (ARI), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, France, 04 June 2023.

Haque, M. M

“Artificial Intelligence-based Video Analytics for Proactive Road Safety Assessment and Evaluation”, Invited Speaker, FISITA Intelligent Safety Conference China, 17-19 July, Chongqing, China, Online on 18 July 2023.

Haque, M. M

“AI-based Video Analytics for Real-time Transport Safety”, Keynote Speaker, 18th ITS China Annual Conference, Xiamen, China), 16-18 November 2023.

Haque, M. M

“Artificial Intelligence-based Video Analytics for Proactive Road Safety Assessment and Evaluation”, Keynote Speaker, The 7th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2023), Surat, India, 17-20 December 2023.

Haque, M. M

“Road Safety Management in Developed Countries—Tools, Technology and the Future”, Invited Speaker, Training on Road Safety Audit for Rural Roads by the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in Bangladesh, 20 December 2022 and 29 December 2022.

Haque, M. M

A real-time road safety system by Artificial Intelligence-based Video Analytics”, Invited Keynote Speaker, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital Injury Prevention Stakeholder Meeting, Singapore, 04 July 2022.

Haque, M. M

A Physics-informed Road User Safety Field Theory for Road Safety Assessments using Computer Vision”, Invited Speaker, Webinar on Road Safety Analysis using Advanced Simulation Tools, World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), 28 July 2022.

Haque, M. M

Research Directions in Statistical Methods in Transportation”, Invited Speaker, Committee on Statistical Methods (AED60), Transportation Research Board of the National Academics, USA, 9 January 2021.

Haque, M. M

The impact of the connected environment on driving behavior and safety: A driving simulator study”, Invited Keynote Speaker, International Symposium on Accident Analysis and Prevention, 19 November 2021, Elsevier.

Haque, M. M

State of the art in Road Safety Modelling”, Invited Speaker, Central South University (CSU), China, 23 May 2019.

Haque, M. M

Mobile Phone Distraction and Driving Performance”, Driver Distraction Seminar, CARRS-Q, QUT, Brisbane, Australia, 22 November 2016.

Haque, M. M

Mobile Phone Distraction among young drivers: Issues and Challenges for Traffic Safety”, INVITED TALK in 3rd Traffic Safety Forum & Expo 2015: Youth and Traffic Safety, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 23-25 November 2015.

Haque, M. M

Mobile Phone Distraction and Young Drivers”, INVITED TALK in Road Safety Research Network, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 04 February 2014.

Haque, M. M

Traffic Engineering and Road Safety”, INVITED TALK in PYB 372 Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 27 and 30 June 2014.

Haque, M. M

Road Safety Management Tools in Australia”, INVITED TALK to Korean delegates visited Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 13 November 2014.

Haque, M. M

Effects of mobile phone distraction at the onset of amber light: analysis of driving simulator data”, INVITED TALK in Transport Policy, Planning and Engineering Symposium at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia.

Haque, M. M

Distracted Young Australian Drivers—Risk Compensation and Mobile Phone Use”, INVITED TALK in 2012 Directions in Road Safety Research Forum, Brisbane, Australia, 18-19 June, 2012.

Haque, M. M., Washington, S. and Haworth, N

An estimation of crash risks using a log-linear model and the induced exposure technique”, In 10th National Conference on Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion

Haque, M. M

Presentation of Ecological Footprint Information: A Re-examination. Invited by Singapore Institute of Planners in conference cum launch of book “INVITED Talk in Eco-city Planning: Policies, Practice and Design”, Edited by Tai-Chee Wong and Belinda Yuen, Springer.

Haque, M. M

Sustainable, smart, safe – a 3’s’ approach towards a modern transportation system”, KEYNOTE ADDRESS in International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE) – The State of the Art, Kandy, Sri Lanka

Haque, M. M

Costs of road accidents: an update”, KEYNOTE ADDRESS in GRSP/ASIA Road Safety Seminar, Singapore.

Haque, M. M

Ride safe: potential hazards at signalised intersections”, SAFETY TALK in BBDC RIDE SAFE PROGRAMME

Haque, M. M

Statistical modeling for research & practical applications”, INVITED LECTURE in a postgraduate module at National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore.

Haque, M. M

Identifying fault factors to prevent motorcycle accidents”, INVITED TALK in Injury Prevention in Singapore – MOH HMDP Expert Visitor Program

Haque, M. M

An estimate of road accident costs in Singapore (2006)”, KEYNOTE ADDRESS in International Conference on Road Safety in Developing Countries, Dhaka, Bangladesh.