Can we drive safer and faster? A unified theory for managing road transport systems with traditional, connected and automated vehicles.

Can we drive safer and faster? A unified theory for managing road transport systems with traditional, connected and automated vehicles Funding: $368,488 Duration: Jan 2021 – Dec 2023   This project aims to balance road safety and efficiency as conflicting goals of transport systems mixed with connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). This project is expected […]

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Automated Video Analysis of Three Complex Brisbane Intersections: A Safety Evaluation Using Advanced Video Recognition Technology

Automated Video Analysis of Three Complex Brisbane Intersections: A Safety Evaluation Using Advanced Video Recognition Technology Funding: Funded ($99,346) by Brisbane City Council, Queensland, Australia Duration: Aug 2016 – July 2017. This project assesses the suitability of advanced video recognition technology in assessing road safety of transport facilities. As such, the objectives of this project […]

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Proactively detecting motor vehicle crash black spots based on their underlying behavioural, engineering and spatial causes.

Proactively detecting motor vehicle crash black spots based on their underlying behavioural, engineering and spatial causes Funding: ARC Discovery Project (DP140101653), Funding ($171,000) Duration: Jan 2014 – Dec 2016.   Road traffic crashes are responsible for hundreds of lives and thousands of injuries on Australian roadways each year. A significant research opportunity exists to fundamentally […]

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